The Bhor Chemicals and Plastics Pvt. Ltd., Shivsagar Estate, Block A, 8th Floor, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai - 400018, Maharashtra, India
BhorForce® range of Woven Unidirectional and Bidirectional Reinforcement Fabrics with Carbon, Aramid, Glass and Quartz Fibers available in different weave patterns, aerial weights and widths
BhorPreg® is our range of Industrial and Aerospace Grade Prepregs available in Epoxy and Cyanate Ester Resin systems which can be combined with a variety of Unidirectional and Bidirectional Reinforcements made with Carbon, Aramid, Glass and Quartz Fibers tailored for highly demanding applications.
BhorBond® is our range of high-performance specially formulated epoxy resin systems for composites as well as structural strengthening and rehabilitation applications.
BhorTensor® range of Carbon Fiber/Epoxy Precured Pultruded Laminates and Profiles which are strong, light weight and ideal for composite and structural applications.
A range of Composite Starter Kits for students, enthusiasts and first-time users to start with manufacturing their first Carbon Fiber Composite Products as well as for prototyping and testing.
NABL Accredited testing facilities for Fiber Reinforced Plastic Products, Textile Materials as well as Polymers and Plastics.